When You Feel Stuck (Part 1)

“You’re not stuck.” 

That’s the word God gave me in church a few weeks ago. That morning, I found out about another disappointment, another loss, I’d soon have to face. I went to church to escape this reality, only to sit through a sermon about change. The takeaway point was that change can be a good thing when it draws us closer to God. But in my situation, it was every answered prayer…slowly chipping away like old paint on the wall. Why is God taking these blessings away? I don’t know. But as my life is becoming smaller and smaller, he is becoming greater and greater.

Maybe you’re in a similar season, where you feel powerless to the change going on around you.

There are too many layers to this season of loss for me to process one at a time. I was discouraged, yet I still chose to worship. I knew that God had given me these blessings and now he was taking them away. He is sovereign and he has a plan (see Job 1:21). I knew he’d carry me through, even if I didn’t know how.

Part of me was angry with this message, thinking about how terrible this change would be. That’s when God gave me the phrase “you’re not stuck.” I reflected and realized that I really wasn’t stuck. I have a choice in how I approach God and how I move forward. I may not be able to change what’s happening around me, but I can choose how I respond. 

Unfortunately, it didn’t help my tendency to overthink. I still thought through every possible scenario and all the outcomes. My mind was running on overtime, analyzing what could be in light of what is. I kept hoping and praying for things to be different. The temptation to take control was real, but so was the reality that I needed to surrender to God. After all…my efforts would never truly have an outcome on external situations. Only God could do what I needed to be done.

In the midst of one of my spirals, I stopped to think about what Jesus might do in my situation. I wonder if he ever felt stuck in his circumstances or powerless to the change around him. Maybe it wasn’t an issue of overthinking for him, but another temptation or a difficult decision. This thought brought me to Matthew 4:1-11.

It was in this passage of Scripture that Jesus was sent into the wilderness before beginning his ministry. He was tempted by the devil three times and used Scripture as a strength to overcome. It was in the wilderness, in that dry place where blessings seemed so distant, that Jesus was tested and learned obedience. The desert was the training ground for his mission field.

Obedience isn’t a spiritual gift. It’s not something that comes naturally to us. It’s a discipline that needs to be practiced. Hebrews 5:8 tells us “Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered” (NLT). In his humanity, Jesus had to learn and practice obedience. And so do we. 

Why did Jesus have to practice obeying God? To learn to submit to God’s sovereign will. That’s why his Father sent him into the wilderness before starting his ministry. If Jesus didn’t learn obedience to God, he might have backed out of working miracles. He might not have met the woman at the well, given sight to the blind, or raised Lazarus from the dead. He could’ve chosen a safer route, remaining comfortable in his career of carpentry.

By testing Jesus’ obedience in the desert land, God was preparing him to obey at the cross. When God sees that we obey him in the little things, he entrusts us with greater things. Jesus’ obedience led to a successful ministry and eternal salvation for all of us. We might not know the outcome of our obedience. Maybe it’ll lead to the salvation of another. Maybe it’ll posture us to receive the blessing we cry out to God asking for. While each situation is unique, one thing is constant: God sees and honors our obedience to him.

Maybe Jesus felt stuck or powerless in his circumstances; we don’t know. But he had a choice: to give up or give in. He could give up obeying God and do his own thing. Or he could give in and do what God asked of him. And when Jesus surrendered to God, things did change. His life wasn’t any easier. His circumstances didn’t always change. But God was able to use Jesus because he was available.

I know I’m not really stuck, even though I may feel like a victim to my circumstances. I have a choice: will I seek the Lord and remain obedient to Him or will I do as I want to try and gain control? I may feel stuck, but in Christ I have everything I need to endure this season. In Christ, I am powerful. Even when I feel powerless to change.

So I give up on overthinking. I give it to God and get some rest. It’s harder than it sounds, but I know that he sees and hears me and is working in ways I don’t know yet. 

This post is part 1 of 3 of “When You Feel Stuck.” In the following posts, we will look at what it means to be powerful in the Lord when you feel powerless to change. Download my free resource “Guide to Getting Un-Stuck” below!

How to use this resource: 

  1. When you find yourself feeling stuck, begin with identifying what is causing that feeling for you. It may be one thing or many things.
  1. Weigh out your options. What does the enemy want you to do? What do you want to do? What has God called you to do or be in this situation? Has He given you any specific words to cling to recently? If you can’t figure out what your choices are, seek the Lord in prayer.
  1. What are your next steps? While you can’t control your circumstances, you can control how you respond to them. Will you pray or seek out a counselor? Will you call a friend any time something triggers you? Write down your battle plan here. If you can’t figure out what your next steps are, seek the Lord in prayer.
  1. Scripture: Copy down a meaningful verse or two to help you fight feeling powerless and to encourage you to keep strong in your faith.
  1. Prayer: Write a prayer to God, asking for what you need at this time. Praise him for who he is and who he is to you personally.

Refer back to this guide or fill out a new one when you feel stuck. You may also want to invite a trusted friend or mentor to hold you accountable and support you.

Let me know if this resource is a blessing to you!


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